Nothing makes me happier than summer, unless it’s spring or autumn. (Notice that winter didn’t make the list?)

Summer is the ultimate sensory season.

In my Intro to Plant Magic course, we talk about the “clairs” — those sixth-sense superpowers we all have.

Well, my superpower is clairsentience, or “clear feeling.” (My bonus power is claircognizance, or clear knowing.)

Anyway, as an empath, I’m sure you’ve experienced a “clair” or two. And summer brings out the best in those of us who “feel” our way through life.

Like the feeling of wonder as you watch the bumbles dipping into flower after flower.

Like the need to touch the petals and leaves just to experience how they feel.

And alllll of summer’s other magical moments, like …

Bike rides and ice cream.

Warm beaches and sandcastles.

Ice cold lemonade and lazily rocking on the porch.

Can’t you just FEEL it?

As we move into the summer solstice this week (June 21), we celebrate the beginning of summer (in the northern hemisphere) and the longest day of sunlight.

It’s the spiritual celebration of the sun and its power.

Our spirit feels alive and full of power. Refreshed and renewed. (Even IF it’s all hot and muggy outside…)

At this time of the summer solstice (aka Midsummer or Litha), my gardens are in swing.

The fireflies are dancing in the trees.

It’s a time of bonfires and celebrations of the light.

It’s the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

So before we welcome back the return of the darkness and the turning of the wheel of the year…

Gather with friends.


Lay on the grass and gaze at the stars.

Enjoy the summer warmth.

And FEEL the light.

