The earth is what we all have in common
Earth alchemy with Deb holding crystal

Earth Alchemy® is a system I developed to balance the naturally occuring energies within the earth with the people, animals, and plants living above them.

Historically, the practice of “geomancy” involved the interpretation of

signs and symbols from Nature to predict future events. 

Traditional geomancers would cast a handful of dirt, shells, stones or petals and make a prediction based on the patterns of dots and lines drawn in the earth.

“Modern geomancy” has evolved into an art and science that seeks to discover hidden knowledge from the Earth… but for the purpose of creating a loving, responsible, and healing relationship with our planet.

What is Earth Alchemy™?

It’s a way of determining and understanding the delicate balance
between the Earth and those who live upon it.

Energy lines (sometimes called ley lines in the U.S.) circle the Earth. Think of them as a net, or electrical grid, covering our planet.

Depending on our personal energy signature, living on these lines may not always be comfortable.

And sometimes they can create significant health and / or emotional challenges.

I can help!

Fatigue, restlessness, lack of focus, change in sleep patterns, anxiety, infertility, etc., could be symptoms of Geopathic Stress.

Using proprietary techniques, I assess the land upon which you live and how the earth energy in that area affects your personal health and your home (whether it’s an apartment, a town home, a single-family, or farm).  

And then I clear and balance the energies so you feel empowered to be your best self.

Assessments and clearings are done remotely, which means no travel time or expenses!   More time for us to focus on YOU and your home.

The Earth Alchemy™ service includes:

40-point assessment of energy issues.

Map of the energy lines, yin water lines, and/or spirals (vortexes) affecting your home.

Clearing of the issues.

A report of the issues, how they were cleared, and recommendations for moving forward.

Earth Alchemy Energy Map

Earth Alchemy™ can be life-changing.

It would be my honor to help you change yours.


“Thank you for all your work last weekend.  We can definitely feel a shift.  The report is right in sync with how everyone has been feeling and actions displayed.  My husband was the most surprised at the accuracy of the report.”  — C.N., Charlestown WV

“My husband and I can’t thank you enough!  Two months after your assessment and balancing, we found out I was pregnant.  We’d been trying for 2 years.  Amazing! Thank you!!” — N.W., Washington, DC

“Deb, your work is always fantastic. Thank you so much for the very insightful report. That was an awesome connection about energy lines gravitating toward people doing earth work. Makes so much sense. Our collective raising of vibrations will help all of humanity bring the good back to this world. ” P.N., Australia [repeat client]

Magic sure can bring surprising results!  Your energy shift at the lake house felt as if the whole place took a deep breath and relaxed.  And then the unexpected happened.  Instead of drawing in a buyer, which was what I expected, the owner’s brother “suddenly” decided to move his family here from out of state.  They’ve always loved the house and the owner has generously made it financially possible for them to call it their own.  A wonderfully happy ending.  Thank you so very much!”  — L.S., Home Stager, Ashville NC

Fee $250 / session (in-person or distance)

© 2024 by Enchanted Botanicals ®  LLC.  All rights reserved.

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