intuitive energy healer - alone we can do so little together we can do so much
intuitive energy healer Deb with Magical products

Whatever you Need—I’m Here to Support Your Spiritual Journey!

Customized Energy Medicine Sessions, Earth Alchemy Sessions, and Custom Candles 

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I’m asked so many questions about what I do.

Here are the biggies.


Can I believe in God and still be magical?

OF COURSE. In fact, it was God who set me on my spiritual coaching path after going through treatment for breast cancer almost 20 years ago. We can use the “tools” gifted to us by God / Spirit / the Universe — such as herbs and flowers and crystals — to help us move past people or situations that don’t serve our highest good. And when we do so, we are honoring God’s deepest intent for us to live a beautiful and meaning-filled life.


What are intentions and how do they work?

An intention is a purpose or goal that we set as a way to improve an aspect of our life. So HOW does intention-setting work? It’s a system or process, really. First, get clear on what it is you want to change, shift, or improve. Make sure that decision aligns with your core values, which will help make it easier for you to follow through. Next, focus on your outcome, visualizing how your life will be different. And then take action. Do the work. Intentions do NOT fulfill themselves. WE have to take deliberate ACTION to achieve results. Every Enchanted Botanicals product is created as a tool to help you with the process of setting and then achieving your intentional work.


What is energy medicine and how can it benefit me?

Energy medicine uses techniques such as reiki, EFT, crystals, sound, and acupuncture to promote healing and balance in your energy body (i.e., aura, chakras, and meridians). The purpose is to bring your body into a relaxed and aligned state so that it can begin to heal the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers. (NOTE: I believe that energy medicine is most powerful and effective when used alongside traditional medicine.)


How do your products work?

Everything is created to be a powerful spiritual tool for you to use to shift your life. Think of EB products like this… You want to drive a nail into a wall, but you need the right tool — a hammer. Now, the hammer won’t levitate itself to pound the nail; it needs YOU to pick it up and USE it. My products work the same way. Each Intention Candle or incense, for example, contains exactly the right ingredients that resonate with the energy of a specific intention (the “nail”). I’ve done all the hard work for you by creating a powerful yet beautiful “hammer” that helps you focus on the work you want or need to do in your spiritual life.


Are your candles more than just pretty?

ABSOLUTELY. Every herb, flower, crystal, and essential oil in my INTENTION Candles is included for a reason — because it resonates in a powerful way with that specific intention. Thus, every candle is a powerful spiritual tool. This applies to my SCENTED Candles, too. There’s a strong connection between scent, memory, and emotion. I create my scents tell a story, to uplift your emotions, and to help you feel relaxed, joyful, and loved. As a form of aromatherapy, my scented candles can help you create your own “scent story” in your home or space.

“Deb, I just wanted to share with you how much I enjoy your emails! They are so uplifting and overflowing with positivity, and I feel like you’re here talking to me in person when I read them. Thank you for sharing your love and light with the world.” 

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