“Aim for the moon. If you miss it, you might hit a star.” ~W. Clement Stone

There’s never a wrong moon phase when you live like you are magic (did you pick up on my little tagline right there?).

But does trying to fit your “moon magic” into a busy life make you feel stressed? Or worse? Slightly guilty that you didn’t do a darn thing to acknowledge La Luna.

Trust me.

Most phases, I stand at the window and chat with the moon for a few seconds before diving into bed. That’s it. Ritual d.o.n.e.

Want the feeling to last a bit longer than the “one day” of any phase? Follow my lead.

The ancient druids believed that the power of a moon phase began 3 days before and lasted 3 days beyond the phase’s “day.”

That gives us a good 7 days to harness the power of ANY phase.

So, let’s start with the new moon, which was just a few days ago.

She’s all about TRANSFORMATION. What do you want to change? To improve? To CREATE?

Next, we move into the full moon.

This will be the perfect time to reflect on the goals you set around the new moon and your accomplishments during the first half of the moon’s cycle.

Each moon phase has its own specific “talent” that we can take our cues from.

For example (and only generally speaking, because we’re all different), a new moon helps us focus on beginnings — a new project, a new attitude, a new habit.

A full moon helps us complete that project and start clearing stuff out.

The trick is to follow the pattern of each moon phase, and to align YOUR actions with the lunar actions.

To help make your magical life a little easier — or if you simply want to dip your toe into a bit of moon magic — I’ve pulled together a few easy steps you can follow to enhance your spiritual connection with the moon.

1. Prepare your space:  Create a tranquil space for meditation. Light a candle, burn a bit of incense, play soothing background music.

2. Choose your incense:  Choose an incense blend or type (cone, loose, stick, resin) that resonates with your manifestation goals. As you light it, visualize your intentions taking root and growing with the waxing moon.

3. Center yourself:  Take a few deep breaths to center your mind and body. Focus on the present moment, letting go of distractions and worries.

4. Set your intentions: With each inhale, visualize your desires coming to fruition. With each exhale, release any doubts or fears. Speak you intentions aloud or silently, infusing them with conviction and clarity.

5. Relax and reflect:  Allow yourself to sink into a quiet moment, remaining open to the guidance within. Reflect on the steps you can take to manifest your intentions into the physical realm.

6. Gratitude and release:  Express gratitude for the abundance already present in your life. Release your intentions to the Universe, trusting that they will manifest in perfect timing.

Save these steps and adjust them to fit any moon phase.

Better yet — download and paste them into your journal, notebook, or Book of Light.